South American Dreaming - introducing our blog

Friday 4 January 2013

The four geezers in Petra
After months of planning (and paying) we are just days from taking our actual first steps. Although we are leaving our good friends and family behind, we hope to keep you all very close. We have setup a blog, ¨Geezers in Motion¨, to chart our progress over the coming two months at

Please ignore all the annoying ads - it`s the price of a free blog. Also, if you get desperate-sounding emails that we need money, please ignore them as well (although they may be true).
Here`s a rough outline of the itinerary. First, we probably should tell you the one place where we are not going - Iguazzu Falls. Yes, we know that it is one of the wonders of the world. We could say that we are saving it for another time but, in reality, we just ran out of time and money so here`s a link to the one place we are not going (enjoy):

Anyway, back to where we are going. We land and defrost in Buenos Aires for about a week. Then it`s off to Valdez Peninsula which is Argentina`s answer to the Galapagos Islands. Although Darwin by-passed the peninsula, the locals insist that where he did land in Argentina, the landscape and fauna are identical to Valdez. Then we bus west to the lake country of Bariloche (great biking). From there we head south to the Patagonian heartland for two weeks of hiking through the glaciers. We then leave Argentina and sail up the coast of Chile to another wilderness trip through Chiloe Island. From there we fly far north to the Chilean-Bolivian border to venture through the high altitude deserts. Finally we get back to Santiago and Valparaiso from where we fly home.
Please stay with us as we fill in the details. Also, please let us know how you are doing as we hope to be well-connected.

All the best for healthy and happy New Year from the intrepid geezers,
Annice, David, Esther, Simon (in alphabetical order)
Question of the Day: How did Argentina get it`s name? (Answer on the next blog installment - stay tuned)


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